At Kingdom Culture, we stand for kingdom, excellence and discipleship.

Who is a disciple?

And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
— Luke 9:23

A disciple of Christ is someone who has chosen to centre Jesus in their life. They have chosen to follow Him, be obedient to His will and instructions for their life.


In Matthew 28:19-20, before ascending, Jesus tells his disciples

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

As a church we believe in every word of the Bible, and so place great importance in creating disciples as is commanded. We want to form a church, not simply with passive followers, but with disciples committed to Christ, His word and the advancement of His kingdom.

In line with our vision of raising disciples committed to Christ, we started our very first discipleship course in 2022. Our aim is to raise growing disciples of Christ who will further go on and raise disciples.

This course is for believers who desire to grow and deepen their walk with God. It is a group discipling process that enables you to develop a personal, lifelong, and obedient relationship with Jesus. The aim is to equip and help you grow toward Christlikeness as you learn and practise basic Christian Disciplines.

A little more info…

The course helps you to Masterlife as a believer and disciple of Christ. Whether you are new in the faith, or have been saved for years, you can agree that it is very common to hear words like “ministry, spiritual and lukewarm Christians, salvation etc.” within the body of Christ. These are terms that we may not actually understand or know how to adequately share with others. 

Well, this course breaks down these aspects of Christianity in a practical way. It will help you develop greater understanding for the Christian walk and provide meaning to the vocabulary that will make the process of raising disciples easier.

The course usually runs for 9 months. A lot of the learning will be done individually but virtual weekly meetings will be held to discuss and expand further on all that has been learnt during the week. This is delivered in a group setting where there will be more opportunities to dig deeper and ask questions. 

Materials will be required for the duration of the course and more information will be provided about this once you complete the registration form to register your interest.

The materials will be split into a set of 4 series with daily devotionals. A breakdown of each book can be found below:

  1. Book 1 - The Disciple’s Cross; highlights the 4 disciplines necessary and required for all disciples.

  2. Book 2 - The Disciple’s Personality; how disciples can practically yield their personalities to God.

  3. Book 3 - The Disciple’s Victory; how to deal with Spiritual warfare and how to be victorious in it.

  4. Book 4 - The Disciple’s Mission; A Disciple’s God-given responsibility on earth.

At the end of course, there will be a graduation ceremony to celebrate your amazing achievement!!


If you know this is an area that interests you, whether you are new in the faith or have been a Christian for a number of years, there is something for you with this course and we guarantee you will leave transformed!

KC will be running a yearly cohort of this course and so do keep an eye out on our socials for when the registration form goes live.

GOOD NEWS - Registration is now live for the Next Cohort! The course will be starting towards the end of March/ early April 2025.

Our registration form can be found HERE.


I don’t attend KC, can I still join the discipleship course?

Yes! This course is open to everyone and all age groups. The only criterion is that you be a born-again believer.

When will this new cohort of the discipleship course start? 

End of March/Early April 2025.

Will the materials be provided?

The materials will need to be purchased by all those joining the course. More details on this will be sent once registration is completed. Costs will be no more than £60 or less. 

What day of the week do the meetings hold?

Meetings will hold on a Thursday (7pm – 8.30pm) or Saturday (8:30am – 10am).

I’m interested in joining the course but I’m unsure because I don’t know anyone else doing it. What can I do?

Invite a friend to join you! Regardless, we are a friendly bunch so there is no need to worry :).