

So you've just given your life to Christ and right now you're probably thinking, where do I begin? Fear not! We're here to help! 

What is the Gospel? 

The word gospel literally means “good news”. The gospel is the good news concerning Christ and the way of salvation. But to understand why it’s the good news you need to start with 'bad news'. As a human race we are inherently sinful due to our fallen nature; every day we move further and further away from Him. The good news is that God gave us an escape from that, a way back to Him through his beloved son Jesus Christ! (John 3:16). Isn't that amazing! 

4 characteristics of a Christian

  1. You understand your end - this is to mean your sinfulness, depravity (Romans 3:21-23)

  2. You acknowledge that you can’t save yourself! (Ephesians 2:8) 

  3. When you believe that Jesus died on the cross for us, you, then you're off to a good start (Romans 10:9)

  4. When you show a definite confession of faith and followed with action and accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour of your life!  (Colossians 1:15-20)

Here as some further key aspects

  • Know that you are forgiven - Your past mistakes are not held against you when you come to Christ! You have been justified in God's eyes that is to say you have been made right due to the death of Jesus on the Cross! He takes your penalty/punishment

What this means is that those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!" 

  • Pray - It is important to spend time in prayer every day. Just as you cannot grow without eating food each day, so your spirit must be fed in order for growth to occur in our walk with the Lord

  • Bible reading - The Bible is the main way God has chosen to tell us about Himself. Learning what God says in the Bible is a very important part of your new life. It is essential to your walk with Christ, so if you need a Bible, we can provide you with one for free! Just indicate so on the form below.

  • Fellowship - As you have your life to Christ you’ve become part of something bigger! A family! A collective body as such it is important to interact and be in community with other believers (Hebrews 10:25) 

If you’d like to have a chat about going deeper with God, or you would like to find out what it means to have a relationship with God, feel free to fill the form below with your questions, queries and comments and someone will be in touch!